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Public Affairs Communications Program Press Release Assignment

-For Immediate Release-

AFL-CIO Continues Fight Against Trade Agreements that Negatively Affect American Workers

WASHINGTON D.C. [Sept. 27,2017] – The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) continues to push against trade agreement legislation like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the NAFTA renegotiation that will have negative economic impacts for the American worker.  AFL-CIO worked with local governments to stand against TPP and has created a petition to appeal to local public officials on the issues with the NAFTA renegotiation.

The AFL-CIO has always made trade agreement policies one of their priorities because of the economic effects and the neglect of the workers in America.

 “We will continue our relentless campaign to create new trade and economic rules that end special privileges for foreign investors and Big Pharma, protect our planet’s precious natural resources and ensure fair pay, safe conditions and a voice in the workplace for all workers,” said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka in response to President Trump withdrawing the U.S. from the TPP in January.

Though the members of the American work force are no longer threatened by the TPP, the renegotiation of NAFTA poses a new threat. In the past 23 years of NAFTA in action, the working people have been taken advantage of. The AFL-CIO is working to make sure that this does not happen again by launching new campaign efforts.

The AFL-CIO’s proposed changes to NAFTA are as follows:

·       Changes to labor and procurement rules

·       Improved consumer protections

·       Rules to prevent currency misalignment

·       Rules to prevent tax dodging

“It is time for the Trump administration to rewrite NAFTA the right way,” said Trumka.

For more information on AFL-CIO’s efforts visit


Contact: Carolyn Bobb (202) 637-5018



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