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How to successfully balance your life at UGA

Balancing all the aspects of your life is no easy task, especially in college. You’re finally free to live your life as you wish, but you also have a lot on your plate. There’s so much to do that it can seem like too much. You’ve got to make time for  homework and studying, club meetings and events, going out with friends and still leave some time to sleep and relax.

They’re all important, but if you let one outweigh the others, then you can neglect your other responsibilities and be left feeling out of balance. Adulting is hard. Making the necessary adjustments to work everything into your busy schedule is a challenge, but we have some tips for you.

Time Management is key

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Time management is possibly the most important thing to master in college. Not only will it make your life easier now, but it will also be useful in the future. What’s the simplest way to manage your time? It may seem straightforward, but get a calendar/planner and keep it updated. A hard copy of your schedule is always a good thing to have. Even if you put everything on your phone, you never know when it might die, break, or the world might end, etc.

Plus, writing things down helps you remember them later. Write down all your obligations: your homework assignments and club meetings, and then fill in your social events and set aside some time for yourself to relax. Keeping a planner is a great way to add some organization to your life.

Focus on health and wellness

With an unlimited meal plan, it’s easy to get a little carried away in the dining halls. You might even find yourself there more than three times a day. Those 2am waffle runs at Snelling? No point in denying it. Going to the dining hall often is okay, as long as you remember moderation. I’m not telling you to diet and avoid the deliciousness of a cookie or fried chicken, but don’t eat seven cookies and 30 chicken nuggets. Unless someone challenges you to a nugget off. Then you have to eat as many as you can, healthy choices aside.

Use your handy dandy UGA app

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In the UGA app, under “links” there is a UGA Dining tab. This is one of the most useful links in the UGA app, aside from the buses and email tab. If you select “Build Your Plate,” you can see what the dining halls are serving and the nutrition facts for everything. It’s good to know what you’re putting in your body and being aware will help you live a healthy life. You can also look ahead for the next day’s schedule.

Another handy tab is the UGA buses tab. You can use it to find out when that East West is coming to get you over to Ramsey to work out. By “work out,” I mean hopping on a cycling machine and watching the next episode of your latest Netflix series. You’ll be knocking out two birds with one stone.

You have to exercise

My friend Ivy and I before a jog around campus on a Sunday afternoon.

My friend Ivy and I before a jog around campus on a Sunday afternoon.

I’m sure you’ve heard it a thousand times, but exercise is important to incorporate into your life. Not only does it help with your physical health, but it helps with your mental health as well. I try and jog three or four times a week and also do yoga. This helps me de-stress and also gives me a break from things. I’m not saying you should run a marathon, but power to you if do. Even a 15 or 20-minute walk will help. Ramsey is a great resource for getting in your exercise needs and your Netflix desires, if you know what I mean.

Social life is important

After winning Disney Trivia at the Tate Center

After winning Disney Trivia at the Tate Center

Going out and having fun with friends is great. Athens has so much to offer. There are so many wonderful restaurants downtown. If you’re a foodie like me, then you are prepared to try every single one. Bring some friends along and have a blast. Pouch and Trappeze are two of my favorites. Just remember to save time for homework. It’ll catch up to you if you don’t and pulling all nighters is not always the solution.

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