Public Relations Practitioner
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All the lessons I learned from my Southern mother

My mother has always been my role model and one of my closest friends. She’s who I go to for advice on everything. As a result, my Southern mom has taught me many helpful things to get through life.

These lessons of hers are ones that have been my guide through life and will continue to be.

Never underestimate the power of a thank you note

Handwritten correspondence is such a rarity these days that receiving one, a thank you note nonetheless, is a pleasant surprise. You will also impress. You have shown that you care and that you are polite. On top of that, not only are you following proper etiquette, but you’ve strengthened the relationship. All of that with a simple card in a small envelope.

A dose of order goes a long way

My mom, siblings and I

My mom, siblings and me

A simple thing to do to start off your day is to make your bed. It provides a sense of order and organization for your day, allowing it to be more productive. It’s something you can automatically check off your to-do list, setting you on the path to make the most of your day. Less visual mess leads to less stress.

Presentation matters

Whether it’s setting the table for dinner or dressing for an interview, presentation matters. How you present yourself is the first impression you make. Presentation is about how you want to look and how you look to others. If you dress and act in a way that is true to who you are, you will be happier with yourself and your activities.

Make time for ‘me time’

The best advice my mom gave me for surviving college was “make time for yourself.” If it’s 10 minutes set aside to listen to music or an hour to read or knit, as long as it is something that you do solely for yourself. That little bit of time you give yourself will instantly help relieve stress and help ease your mind.

Homemade is always better

Me making strawberry parfaits for my family at a young age.

Me making strawberry parfaits for my family at a young age.

Homemade is always better. Things that are just have that extra pinch of love that can’t be matched. Your food could be a little burnt, the picture frame you made a little wonky, but it’s the thought that counts. If you put that homemade thought and love into all that you do in life, it will be a rich life to live.

The daily three

Do something for your body, mind and soul every day. Do something for your body by taking a 15-minute walk or doing some yoga. Break a sweat. Do something for your mind by reading a new article or doing a crossword puzzle. Make yourself think. Do something for your soul by writing poetry or meditating. Learn about yourself. Completing these daily goals will make you a more grounded person and help you grow.

Discover stories

By discovering the stories of those around you, you learn more about yourself and the world you live in. To do so, simply ask and you listen. Being genuinely interested in their story allows you to build connections and friendships wherever you go. If you take the step to be the one who listens, you’ll be a step ahead of most people.

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