Public Relations Practitioner
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Public Affairs Communications Key Messages Assignment

Elevator Speech

The United States of America is one of the most influential countries on the planet, affecting others economically, politically, and socially. With that strong presence comes a responsibility to not only our integrity as a nation but to our fellow nations. One of these responsibilities is a commitment to clean energy and reduction of harmful emissions globally. By doing the work today that we are responsible for as a world leader, we will build a cleaner and economically sound future for families in America and around the world.


Key Messages

The US is not officially withdrawn from the Paris Agreement

·       The earliest any country can withdraw from the agreement is November 4, 2020.


·       Former President Barack Obama signed the agreement on August 29, 2016


·       The US is still accountable for goals set forth in the Paris Agreement

There would be major economic consequences for the US if we formally withdrew from the Paris Agreement.

·       The E.U. announced that under a new Brussels policy they will not enter trade agreements with countries that don’t ratify the Paris Agreement and take steps against global warming.



·       EU countries were the number one export market for the US in 2016 according to the Office of the US Trade Representative.



·       EU countries were the second largest supplier of imports to the US in 2016 according to the Office of the US Trade Representative


US international relationships and reputation would be adversely affected

·       The US is now the only country that has announced intentions to withdraw from the agreement.


o   Nicaragua announced it’s signing of the agreement in September 2017.

o   Syria announced it’s signing of the agreement in November 2017.

·       The US is the second, after China, in contributions to global levels of greenhouse gas emissions. Withdrawing from the Paris Agreement would leave the burden on other countries, developed and under-developed alike.


·       The US is the world’s largest economy and withdrawal from the agreement means we will cease to contribute to the U.N. Green Climate Fund, a new global fund created to support the efforts of developing countries to respond to the challenge of climate change.




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